Head smut
Ears and tassels may be replaced with smut sori filled with teliospores. Infected plants may develop bizarre symptoms on either the ear or the tassel, including the production of wire-like extensions of the vascular bundles in the tassel or finger-like proliferations in the ear. Ears of infected plants may be recognized by their teardrop shape and lack of silks where the husks are filled with teliospores.
List of experimentally identified pathogen effectors
PlantPEAD ID | Uniprot ID | Localization | Gene name | Pathogen type | Infested plant | Species |
Zea mays
Sporisorium reilianum
Showing 1 to 1 of 1
List of orthologous identified pathogen effectors
PlantPEAD ID | Uniprot ID | Localization | Pathogen type | Species | Query proteins |
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